Sunday, October 5, 2008

Programming in PowerPoint 2003

Let’s do something creative with our own Office 2003. For instance let’s check out Programming in PowerPoint 2003. Say for example, what if You could write on PowerPoint Slide shows and Let your PowerPoint check your answer.

Use of this facility in Education:-
Evaluation, a teacher can use it for the mass evaluation.
Teacher can use wide range of ready made formats for Filling the blanks, multiple choice Questions, True or false link questions.
In our PBL, TE’s/Teachers can prepare Evaluation Tools/Teacher support Material/ Student support Material with the help of this feature.
Classroom Games.
Online survey.
Interactive presentation.

To begin with, Lets create one Fill in the Blanks as a part of Evaluation Tools

Step 1
Go to
View-> Toolbars-> Customised->Toolbars-> (Click on Box) Control Toolbox
Step 2

Select 2 Tool bars from this Box. 1. Textbox 2. Command Button

You can write some fill in the blanks statement (here the sun is _________ .)

Step 3

Double-Click on Button
This screen will appear
Write the given code (For fill in the blanks)

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If TextBox1.Text = "star" Then
MsgBox ("true")
MsgBox ("incorrect")
End If
End Sub
Please note = “Star” is your answer.

Then Click on Red colour button ready for the Fun.
F5/run Slide show and type your answer in textbox
and click on Button for right answer.

So use tool for effective presentation.

Few more tricks of Office, I’ll get back soon.

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